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Blue Beetle 2023

How To Watch Blue Beetle 2023 Online On FlixTor?
This DCEU’s Miami is located in Palmera City. In Blue Beetle, Mariduea plays Jaime Reyes, a 22-year-old who receives some unfavorable news when he returns to his family after graduating from college. His family is due to be evicted from their home by the city, represented by the powerful corporation Kord Industries, unless they can quickly come up with some money. Blue Beetle has a terrific appearance and sound, and Xolo Mariduea gives a compelling performance as the lead. This one feels like little more than a splat on a passing windshield with James Gunn taking over the comic book franchise going forward. Get 2023 best alternative for streaming new movies and shows online.

Blue Beetle 2023

Genre: ActionAdventureAll Latest MoviesFlixTor 2023MyflixerSci-Fi


Quality: HD


Date: September 18, 2023

IMDb: 7.0

Duration: 127 min