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The Lady of Heaven 2021

How to stream movie The Lady of Heaven 2021 on flixtor online?
Watch full movie The Lady of Heaven 2021 online in HD. The plot of the film tells 2 stories separated by 1400 years. A boy from Iraq, who was left without a mother who died in the war, ends up in the house of his grandmother, who tells him the legend about Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.
The Lady of Heaven is a historical drama that tells the legend of Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, through parallels with the current situation in Iraq. Get full free movies online on FlixTor Video website.

What is the top best streaming platform to watch the movie The Lady of Heaven 2021?.
Watch full movie The Lady of Heaven 2021 movie on 123movies & Flixtor site. If you cannot decide which film is worth watching, FlixTor is the solution for you. There are the top best films available on it that will save you from regretting later, So, don’t make your favorite films wait and enjoy them on this gem!

Review of the movie The Lady of Heaven 2021.
The movie is about an ordinary boy living in Iraq, unfortunately, is forced to witness a bloodthirsty war where his parents were killed. He was not an orphan; he had a grandmother who looked after and raised the boy. But later it turned out that granny had a rather interesting book and a story about that.

The Lady of Heaven 2021

Genre: 2021ActionDramaHistory


Quality: HD


Date: December 14, 2021

IMDb: 9.7

Duration: 141 min